Multivariate analysis of non-Gaussian data (McGLM)

Part II

Wagner H. Bonat Walmes M. Zeviani

62a RBras & 17o SEAGRO
July 24–28, 2017
UFLA, Lavras/MG

General linear model

Multivariate analysis of non-Gaussian data


Flexible Generalized Linear Models

Variance/dispersion functions

Covariance Generalized Linear Models

Example 1: Gaussian linear mixed model

Example 2: exchangeable and unstructured models

Example 3: conditional autoregressive models

Example 4: genetic additive models

Multivariate Covariance Generalized Linear Models

Estimation and Inference

McGLM - Parametrization

Estimating functions

Fitting algorithm

Godambe information matrix and asymptotic distribution

Multivariate linear hypotheses tests

Computational implementation in \(\textsf{R}\)

Overview of the mcglm package.


# From github

# From CRAN
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
##   mcglm: Multivariate Covariance Generalized Linear Models
##   For support, collaboration or bug report, visit: 
##   mcglm version 0.4.0 (build on 2016-10-17) is now loaded.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## function (linear_pred, matrix_pred, link, variance, covariance, 
##     offset, Ntrial, power_fixed, data, control_initial = "automatic", 
##     contrasts = NULL, control_algorithm = list()) 

Linear covariance structures

Functions Description
mc_id() Identity matrix
mc_ns() Unstructured model
mc_dglm() Double generalized linear models.
mc_mixed() Linear mixed models (formula similar to lme4).
mc_ma() Moving average models of order p.
mc_rw() CAR models for times series.
mc_car() CAR models for space data.
mc_dist() Distance based models.
mc_twin() ACE, ADE, AE, and CE models for twin data.

Methods for mcglm objects

Functions Description
print() Simple printed display of model features.
summary() Standard regression output.
fitted() Fitted values for observed data.
residuals() Pearson, raw and standardized residuals.
coef() Coefficient estimates.
vcov() Variance-covariance matrix of coefficient estimates.
confint() Confidence intervals.
anova() Analysis of variance tables for fitted models.
manova() MANOVA-like test.
plot() Diagnostic plots of Pearson residuals and algorithm check.

Extra features for mcglm objects

Functions Description
gof() Measures of goodness-of-fit.
mc_sic() SIC for regression parameters.
mc_sic_covariance() SIC for dispersion parameters.
mc_bias_correct_std() Bias-corrected std.
mc_robust_std() Robust std.
mc_conditional_test() Conditional hypotheses tests.
mc_compute_rho() Compute autocorrelation estimates.
mc_initial_values() Initial values for mcglm.

Data analyses

Concluding remarks



Coming soon


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Thank you!

See you in Curitiba/PR for the 63a RBras!
Save the date: May 23 – 25, 2018.

Wagner Hugo Bonat

Walmes Marques Zeviani